
What is a blessingway? I was just introduced to this concept and it is revolutionary. It is all about honoring the Mother! 

Wondrous Woman,
Goddess full of life with womb in bloom.. 
You are a divine force bringing forth the next generation, and that is something worthy of honoring. Creatix, growing pure love, holding space for a new life to ripen, I bow to you. 
Let me show you how adored you truly are.
With all my heart and Soul,
Your dear sister

It is a beautiful celebration with her closest circle. There are many rituals that you can do! 
Upon entry, I instructed each woman to wash her hands in rose water. I asked them to rinse away any negative thoughts they had about the birth. Any doubts, fears, or disagreements she may be carrying in her heart she must let go. Once that is done, she can be there in full support for the soon to be mother. 

One way to honor the mother during the blessingway is for each member of her circle to bring a bead. They will be strung into a necklace and she will wear it during the birth. I absolutely LOVE this! She will be reminded of that support each time she feels a bead hit against her chest.  

Another way that you can feel the united power of your circle is to light candles. During the birthingway, each member of the group will voice words of strength while lighting his/her candle. They will only be lit again when the guest of honor announces that she is in labor. 

The ideas are endless. Make her feel supported, honored, empowered, and then pamper her! Love will fill every corner. If you have experienced any role in a blessingway please share! I would love to know how you felt and how it impacted the mother's birth experience


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